After the news paper DNA reported about the painting of the tree trunks, Euro kids has started the process of removing the toxic paint on the tree trunks.
Here's the DNA's report :
Playschool paints, and toxic lead, on trees
Published Date: Feb 26, 2014
Management of Euro Kids in Jayamahal has got trees outside its
premises painted, annoying local residents, who are concerned about the
effect of the paint’s chemicals on the tree.
According to CIJMA members, the BBMP authorities are yet to
take action against Euro Kids Pre School management for painting five trees
on the 1st Main Road. CIJMA is the first residents’ welfare association to
organise tree auditing in the area. It has been demanding the BBMP to remove
the concrete around the roots of trees to facilitate percolation pits.
Chairman of Nandanavana, a non-government organisation, Dr
Prakash, who conducted tree auditing in Jayamahal area, said chemical paint
was harmful to trees. Adding to it, Acharya said: “I want the Euro Kids Pre
School management to remove the paint immediately. Let them paint their
compound walls but not the trees on the footpath.”
When contacted, Gunasekhar said he had already advised Euro
Kids Pre School management not to paint the trees. However, chief conservator
of forests, BBMP, Brijesh Kumar, said painting trees is not an offence, but
public should refrain from doing it. “I will advise the Euro Kids Pre School
management to remove the paint without damaging the trees,” he said.
Director of Euro Kids Pre School Dr BV Pallavi said the paint
would be removed. “I have already instructed the contractor who painted the
trees to remove the paint from the trees without any delay.”
"Let them paint their compound walls, but not the trees on the footpath"
- Dr Prakash, an NGO chairman who undertook tree auditing in Jayamahal