Saturday, 31 May 2014

Clean-up of water body at Jayamahal Aane Park

We, the residents of Jayamahal are blessed with a beautiful sunken park with lots of trees and a water body. 

Two days back, we walked into the park at 6.30 in the morning to see the dozens of water lilies in bloom.  We were amazed to find  a variety of wild water birds !  There were Barbets, Mynahs, Koels, Greenish Leaf Warblers, Sun birds, King Fishers, Pond Herons, Purple Moorhens and a host of others : )

The joy of seeing the Lilies & birds was marred by the amount of plastic bags, waste cloth, cans & all kind of trash in the water and on the  surrounding rock : (

This morning under Manjunath's  guidance ( BBMP supervisor ) 5 Paurakarmikas got into the water and collected all the trash.  One and a half hours later, they had picked up carry bags, soft drink & pesticide cans, bottles, discarded clothes like pants, bed sheets, shirts, etc.  They also found cooking vessels ( it's a wonder how all this stuff got into the water ! ) 
 6 large bags of trash was picked up !!!

We appeal to the regular walkers in the park to keep a hawk's eye on the visitors & not allow any one to bring in food or plastics into the Park.  
If only each one of us does our little bit to protect & preserve mother nature we can have little 'Heavens on Earth' in our own localities & back yards.

Here's the story in pictures .....

Water Lilies in the pond : )

With the arrival of monsoon, the elephants will be standing in water !

This lovely bird with its family is a resident of the pond !!!  
This has been identified as the Purple Moorhen !
Another lovely visitor !
Purple Moorhen with the babies : ) 
The whole family together : )
Large & colourful fish 
There are so many fish, the King Fishers were having a feast !
Another water bird ! 
King Fisher looking for fish....
With a fish in its beak !!!
Two King Fishers at breakfast : )
A Barbet
A little chick walking on the Lily leaf
Pond Heron
Here's the ugly sight.....
Trash in the water.....
Pesticide can : (
More trash.......
More of the ugly sight : (
So much trash surrounding the water......
: (  Cleaned up all this today....
Manjunath & his men preparing for the clean-up
In action, collecting trash from the water....
Cleaning up all corners....
With 6 bags of trash...          Hope never to find trash in the Park, ever again....