Thursday, 28 November 2013

Thank you all, for your encouraging messages : )

We at Nandanavana express our esteemed gratitude for your team in doing the Avenue tree diversity project.

We are happy to inform you that other than Lalbagh, your area stands first in recording the tree count. We hope that other organisations & area of Bangalorre will come up with this project. 
-Nandanavana Team

It gave us such great pleasure to walk in Jayamahal after a months absence, and to see the streets looking so clean, and the greenery so well nurtured!  Just received your update on the tree profile and look forward to educating oneself. Kudos to Team CIJMA on your great effort, and I hope you will grow in strength, and Jayamahal will become a model locality in Bangalore.
-Arati Monappa

Congratulations to all the Cijma members for the fantastic work being done in our locality.
All of you have really taken a lot of interest and pain to bring back the old times of clean and green Jaymahal.
-Sheela Pradhan

Wonderful!  Going to look out for the signposts:-)
Congrats CIJMA!
-Leela Kalyanaraman

The idea of identifying and putting up boards reg. the botanical features of the trees in Jayamahal is commendable. Taking good care of our trees is so important as you have correctly emphasized: they have to be treasured and preserved. 
Note with great interest and appreciation the enormous task being carried out by Team Cijma in cleaning up the area . Your dedication to the very tough task on hand deserves special thanks from all the residents. Wish Team Cijma the very best  

The effort has been highly commendable and Jayamahal looks beautiful and interestingly informative
On behalf of my wife Dr Vanitha and son Setu, I profusely thank you for the same
-Sukesh Nagaraj

Keep up the good work

Good job! Keep it up team CIJMA. 
-Sunil Khokale

This is awesome. Thanks for sharing, and for the relentless hard work and follow-up.

Friday, 22 November 2013

Data of Standing Avenue Trees in Jayamahal Extension as on Aug. 2013

Bangalore which was known as a 'Garden City' has lost a lot of its green cover.  Expansion of the city, overpopulation, sheer neglect, extensive cutting of trees & unscientific pruning (hacking) by BESCOM, paving of foot paths and asphalting of roads with no water percolation basins around the trees, have led to loss of our Green Cover.

Trees defaced by posters
Chocked by pavements with no water percolation basin 
Chocked by asphalt

Burnt by burning garbage & leaves
Strangulated by cables

With the objective of  CARING, PROTECTING & SPREADING AWARENESS, we have conducted a Census of Standing Avenue Trees in Jayamahal Extension with the help of Dr S R Prakash, Chairman of the NGO - Nandanavana - An Environment Education Group.

Dr Prakash has provided us with an extensive data comprising of 
  • Count of existing standing trees in the Extension, consisting of 26 Avenue Roads.
  • Species richness & abundance.
  • Species diversity that is present in the area.
  • The species that were facing the problem of survival were documented and the local BBMP officials were informed to take care of it appropriately.
The data analysis reveals that there are 443 standing trees and 44 species.  ( This does not include trees within Residential Compounds , the Play Ground , Aane Park , Chacha Park & trees in sapling stage.)
Out of the 45 species, Bauhinia purpurea (Bullock foot tree) is the most abundant.  Michelia champaca (Champak) is the next most common and Saraca asoca is the rarest species.

Nandanavana has provided the technical information such as botanical name of the tree flora, local name, socio-economic utility of the species and standing tree count in the area. With this information CIJMA has installed in the Aane Park, a big board with pictures, botanical name, common name, uses & tree count of all the 44 species.  Name boards with the same information have been put up for 24 individual trees.

In conclusion, as far as avenue tree diversity is concerned, the area requires other species which have extended wide canopy and there is a need to educate the people about tree diversity and conservation. (CIJMA has planted 50 more avenue tree saplings)  
Some of the avenue trees may be for shade, while some ornamental and still some are of economic value.  Avenue trees are planted to restore ornamental beauty as well as provide fresh air and combat air pollution.  Many of the trees are carbon sequestrating, they intake more of carbon for their survival and in turn give back oxygen.  The trees also absorbs atmospheric moisture and retains the humidity so that the temperature does not rise more than the optimum level.  Most of the trees also store ground water and harvest rain water too.

We thank Nandanavana, Dr Prakash & his team for conducting the survey and documenting the tree species of the area in a scientific manner.

Contact details of Dr. Prakash S R
Nandanavana - An Environment Education Group
24, 6th Main, 6th Cross, Shrikanteshwarnagar
Mahalakshmi layout, Bangalore - 560096
Ph: 9483474289

Board with information of all 44 species in the area

Rain Tree - the largest in the area

Thursday, 14 November 2013

Clean-up of 1st Main

Debris left on the road from renovation of  Minister's quarters...
a portion has been cleared, hope the rest will go soon.....




2nd Main is getting cleaned !!! : )

The previous post had some pictures of drains in 2nd Main, filled with mud, debris & garbage.  
De-silting & cleaning of the drains has started.....Thanks to our Corporator, Mr Gunashekar.

Here's the heaps & heaps that came out of the drain..........









Foot path - badly in need of a make over !
More being excavated from the other side of 2nd Main !

'Totally neglected until now'

'Getting cleared, at last'

'Here's more'

Debris left behind after construction of the compound wall....
Isn't it the responsibility of the owner to have it cleared......